Editorial data
A Construcção Moderna – Revista Illustrada was the first Portuguese periodical dedicated to the dissemination of modern contemporary construction arts, with articles that addressed topics related to the techniques and aesthetics of architecture, building engineering, and urbanism. Its 19 years of print ran between 1 February 1900 and 25 July 1919, appearing fortnightly (24 issues each year) or three times every month (36 issues each year, during the period year II-1902 to year X-1910), with a total of 542 issues. Published on the 1st and 15th of each month, the magazine later came out on the 1st, 10th, and 20th, while by 1919 it could be found on newsstands on the 10th and the 25th.
At the beginning of each year, the article index and annual cover were sent to subscribers. These elements contained additional space for advertisements, which were needed for the financial viability of the publication, as mentioned over the years. The first ad, dedicated to stuccos and paints, appears isolated in issue 45 (year II). Also of note is the interest in attracting subscribers in Brazil, illustrated by the mention of the transatlantic subscription costs in the annual covers.
The technical direction was taken on by engineer José Mello de Mattos and architect Rosendo Carvalheira. Both contributed to make the periodical a medium of diffusion and debate on architecture and urbanism, dissemination of authors' projects, and diffusion of new typologies and styles, which were built around the country. Considered one of the publication’s main driving forces, director Eduardo A. Nunes Collares only took over the technical direction on 25 June 1915, after the death of José Mello de Mattos; he was also the editor, director, and owner of the 1st series of the magazine A Architectura Portugueza, from 1909 onward.
The periodical’s stated editorial policies contributed to the cultural and material modernization of the country, through the direct agency of designers, critics, and publicists. In 1910, since issue 325, the magazine reinforced the technical aspect by changing its name to A Construcção Moderna – Revista Technica Illustrada. The union with As Artes do Metal magazine, in 1911, was a landmark in its chronological course, leading to another change in title, to A Construcção Moderna e as Artes do Metal – Revista Quinzenal Illustrada, from issue 337 until March 1914, over a total of 78 issues. This emphasis however was lost in issue 415, when the periodical reverted to its original title of A Construção Moderna – Revista Quinzenal Illustrada, which remained until publication ceased.
Graphically, the layout of its eight pages of graphic and textual content followed the matrix of foreign contemporary counterparts, such as the French La Construction Moderne (1885-1943), the Spanish La Construcción Moderna (1903-1936), and the Italian L'Edilizia Moderna (1892-1917).
The modernity of these publications can be seen in their use of a graphic language that balances text and image blocks, introducing photography as an innovative factor. In A Construcção Moderna prints were purpose-made, as explained to readers in an early year II editorial.
Throughout the years, provisional changes in editorial staff and administration addresses were mentioned, as were different typography and printing services.
N.º 1 (1 February 1900)
Editorial staff and administration: Bairro dos Castelinhos, Rua B, Porta
L C, 2.º.
N.º 221 (1 May 1907)
Editorial staff and administration: Rua Maria Andrade, 10, 2.º.
Typography: Rua do Diário de Notícias, 93.
N.º 253 (20 March 1908)
Typography: Centro Tipográfico Colonial, Rua da Conceição da Glória,
N.º 278 (1 December 1908)
Typography: Centro Tipográfico Colonial, Largo da Abegoaria, 28.
N.º 335 (n. d.)
Editorial staff and administration: Rua Pascoal de Melo, 13.
Typography: Tipografia Adolfo de Mendonça, Rua do Corpo Santo, 46 and
N.º 301 (20 August 1909)
Typography: Centro Tipográfico Colonial, Largo da Abegoaria, 28.
N.º 337 (5 January 1911)
Editor: Mário Colares.
Typography: Tipografia de António Maria Antunes, Calçada da Glória, 6-10
– Travessa do Fala-Só, 1-5.
N.º 348 (20 June 1911)
Editorial staff and administration: Rua de Ponta Delgada, 20.
N.º356 (20 October 1911)
Typography: A Nacional, Rua da Conceição da Glória, 40.
N.º 358 (20 November 1911)
Editorial staff and administration: Rua da Bempostinha, 126, 2.º.
N.º 366 (20 March 1912)
Editorial staff and administration: Rua da Conceição da Glória, 38.
N.º 374 (20 July 1912)
Typography: César Piloto.
N.º 383 (5 December 1912)
Editorial staff and administration: Rua Palmira, 58, 2º.
N.º 402 (25 September 1913)
Typography: Tipografia César Piloto, Largo de S. Roque, 11-12.
N.º 415 (10 April 1914)
Typography: Centro Tipográfico Colonial, Largo da Abegoaria, 27-28.
N.º 444 (25 June 1915)
Technical Direction: Rosendo Carvalheira; Eduardo A. Nunes Colares.
N.º 512 and 514 (May 1918)
Typography: Largo Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, 27-28.