
The editor of the Portugal Futurista website would like to thank Dr. Fátima Lopes, Dr. Manuela Rêgo, and Dr. Luís França de Sá, of the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, for the loan of the digitized copy of the magazine, as well as the remaining documents included in this critical edition.

Thanks are also due to Jorge Meireles for the loan of his private copy, to antique book dealers Gabriela Gouveia and Miguel de Carvalho for their kind help, and to Prof. Günter Berghaus, Prof. Rita Marnoto, and Prof. Steffen Dix for for graciously allowing the reproduction of their articles.

A final word of gratitude to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, particularly the magazine Colóquio-Letras and its director Prof. Nuno Júdice, and Dr. Maria Filipe Ramos Rosa.